Koessler: Trio-Suite; Piano Quintet; Moor: Cello Sonata
Hans Koessler (1853-1926) was a famous teacher whose students included the four greats in early 20tzh Century Hungarian music: Bartók, Kodály, Dohnányi, and Weiner. He was German by birth and education, while Emanuel Moór (1863-1931) started out in Hungary, later moving to Western Europe, with tours to the US. He was a good friend of Pablo Casals, though this cello sonata was written for a Russian cellist in 1900.
Koessler’s Trio-Suite is for the somewhat unusual combination of violin, viola, and piano and is dedicated to Dohnányi, whose style it somewhat recalls. Or is it that they both recall Brahms? At any rate, it is a lively and melodic work lasting 25 minutes here. Then comes Moór’s cello sonata, also a rich and romantic work, even more Brahmsian than the Koessler. Finally, the Koessler Quintet. There is a certain overwhelming character to this music: it’s like Brahms on steroids. Dohnányi has a similar overripe effect. Maybe it’s the air in Hungary. At any rate, this is attractive music beautifully played. Just keep the volume down a little.
D Moore
American Record Guide
March-April 2006