
Csaba Szabó: Memorial Concert at the French Institute in Budapest

Józseg BALOG - piano
Virginie ROBILLIARD - violin
- cello
Ádám TAKÁCS - singer
- child soprano
Szabó Ensemble
Saint Ephraim Choir 
Havay-Illés-Dósai Folk Music Trio 


Folk music selection from the Csángómagyar songbook

01 Walking into my little garden

02 The shepherd in search of his sheeps in the shed

03 Sweet “Gergelem” 

Opus Parvuum Musicale (Piano transcription made by Péter Szabó) 

04 Opus Parvuum Musicale – Rondo Concertante for Violin and Piano 

Three Spring Songs to Poems by Lajos Aprily (Sung in Hungarian) 

05 Three Spring Songs to Poems by Lajos Aprily, I. Ti-ti-ti 

06 Three Spring Songs to Poems by Lajos Aprily, II. For Buds and Birds 

07 Three Spring Songs to Poems by Lajos Aprily, III. April Mood 

Youth String Quartet 

08 Youth String Quartet, I. Grave – Andante tranquuillo - Grave 

09 Youth String Quartet, II. Allegro scherzando 

10 Youth String Quartet, III. Largo – Presto 

Hungarian Harmonius songs of Transylvania from the 18th century 

11 Advent hymns, In Christianity 

12 Advent hymns, Sent by the Lord God 

13 Genevan Psalters, Psalm 42, As a deer longs for flowing streams 

14 Genevan Psalters, Psalm 51, Have mercy on me, O God 

15 Genevan Psalters, Psalm 92, It’s a beautiful thing to praise the Lord 

16 Genevan Psalters, Psalm 117, Praise the Lord, all nations 

Choral works for male choir 

17 Gyorgy Dozsa’s heartening words 

Folk music selection from the Csángómagyar songbook (Sung in Hungarian) 

18 Black boots – My lover into this dance 

19 Serious Hungarian 

20 Old Hungarian 


Total time: 59:40 



For video recordings please visit my Youtube channel.

Péter Szabó's recordings are available on

Buy online on Amazon or stream online on Spotify or Apple Music.